Artful Room Accessorizing: A Professional Guide

Artful Room Accessorizing: A Professional Guide

Room accessorizing involves a thoughtful blend of design principles and creativity to achieve a cohesive and visually appealing space. Begin by establishing a focal point; it could be a statement...
Decorating in Small Spaces

Decorating in Small Spaces

When decorating small spaces, thoughtful choices can make a significant impact. Start by decluttering and prioritizing essentials to create a clean canvas. Consider these tips to maximize both style and...
Jamie Bellissimo-Menninger
A look ahead at 2024 design trends!

A look ahead at 2024 design trends!

Combining a mix of the trends and your personal preferences will provide you with a home that is trendy and personalized to you. Your home decor should be an expression of you. True Treasures offers an abundant selection of one-of-a-kind home furnishings and decor to find those unique pieces to add your personal touch to any room.
Jamie Bellissimo-Menninger
Room Lighting

Room Lighting

1.      Layered Lighting: Combine ambient, task, and accent lighting to create a well-balanced, inviting atmosphere.         2.      Natural Light: Maximize natural light by using sheer curtains and positioning furniture to...
Jamie Bellissimo-Menninger
Elegant Bedroom Design Tips

Elegant Bedroom Design Tips

Design an elegant bedroom that exudes sophistication and provides a serene retreat. Pay attention to details, maintain a cohesive design, and prioritize quality to achieve a truly refined space.
Jamie Bellissimo-Menninger